Air Conditioning Service
Boiler Installation
Boiler Repair
Boiler Replacement
Branded AC Installation
Branded AC Repair
Branded AC Replacement
Emergency Heating System Service
Heating System Installation
Heating System Repair
Heating System Replacement
Air Conditioning Installation
Air Conditioning Repair
Home Insulation
Radiant Barrier


Radiant Barrier Houston
Insulation Houston
Duct Wook Houston
Radiant Barrier in the greater Houston area.

If you're a Houstn area homeowner, you probably pay your fair share in energy costs throughout the year. As a radiant barrier contractor in Houston, Big Texas Comfort, Inc has a way for you to reduce your spending without compromising your comfort. By having us install a radiant barrier, you can significantly lower your cooling costs without having to suffer through the sweltering summer months.

In warm weather, up to 93% of downward gain in a home is from radiant heat that penetrates your attic and seeps downward into your home, making you air conditioning run longer to keep the air cool. Fiberglass and cellulose insulation do not stop radiant heat gain or loss. Only attic radiant barrier reflective insulation stop 97% of radiant heat transfer.

In warm summer months attic temperatures can reach as high as 140°. The heat from our attic tries to invade your cooled living space, making your air conditioner work harder to keep your house at the desired temperature. Radiant Barrier installed under the rafters in your attic reflects up to 97% of the sun's radiant heat away from your attic. This method of installing radiant attic barrier will keep your attic temperature lower, requiring less energy consumption from your air conditioner. This attic insulation will only take a few hours and in hot months you should see an immediate change on your energy bill.

By adding a radiant barrier, you'll be making a worthwhile investment in your home. And when you work with us, you'll also benefit from our:

   Affordable service
   Convenient scheduling
   Licensed, insured, and courteous insulation        contractors

Keep your home cool for less with a radiant barrier from Big Texas Comfort, Inc. For more information, call us today.


2437 Bay Area Blvd #38
Houston, TX 77058
York - Lennox - Ruud - Coleman - Luxaire - Goodman - Bryant - Carrier - Rheem - Trane - Day & Night - Mitsubishi (mr.slim) - Payne - Comfortmaker - Tappan
All Brands Repaired including:
Air Conditioning Heating Repair